
Miss Penny Lane

I always tell the girls, never take it seriously.
If ya never take it seriously, ya never get hurt.
Ya never get hurt, ya always have fun...
And if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

me likey...

...the state farm commercial with the young girl (maybe 7 yrs) who asks her dad to borrow the car so she can go to the movies with her friends "kathy and dylan..." "yes, dad; dylan." love it!!

unless you're ridiculously clueless, you know within the first 5 seconds of this spot that the well-spoken, cute, young lass we see asking for the car keys is merely representing how her father still sees his now adolescent daughter who (yikes) has her license.

regardless of the cliches and obviousness of the ad, me likey. well done...

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